The staff at Christopher Robin Childcare Centre aim to provide an environment which is rich in learning, fun, physically and emotionally safe, accepting and welcoming to all children, their families and the wider community.

We believe children need to:

  • Learn through creative play using their imagination and equipment, which is integral to understanding their world around them.
  • Have appropriate role modelling that is positive, peaceful and affirmative.
  • To feel safe and secure and know that comfort is available to them.
  • Know that their opinions are valued through valuable interactions with adults and other children.
  • Learn from each other and care for each other.  Reciprocal learning encourages support and praise.
  • Have time to find their own solutions and engage in problem solving, which develops patience and perseverance skills.

We offer a rich curriculum that balances child choice and exploration with teacher initiated experiences, we see children as capable people, our role is to assist them in becoming self-managed and confident learners and communicators.

We believe that on-going professional development and support is essential for teachers to demonstrate growth.

Our staff are committed to reviewing this philosophy regularly, we believe in the importance of careful planning and reviewing of our practice; setting specific goals for individual children and the service to ensure the implementation of our philosophy.

We acknowledge the Treaty of Waitangi and provide an environment that fosters the dual heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand.

By using basic Te Reo, understanding the Tikanga – concepts, valuing Maoridom, children experience the uniqueness of New Zealand and it’s bicultural nature at their fingertips.

We endeavor to form reciprocal, responsive and respectful relationships with children, families, whanau and colleagues. We value family’s aspirations and knowledge and welcome their participation. We celebrate the diversity of our community, welcoming visitors and fostering links within the wider community.

We believe in the need to work in partnership, showing mutual respect and communicating with openness and honesty.

We operate a programme, empowering children to develop a sense of well-being, belonging, contribution, communication and exploration, working within the New Zealand early childhood curriculum Te Whaariki.

We believe our role as teachers is to scaffold, facilitate, support and challenge each child within their learning environment. It is through these meaningful interactions that we will assess, evaluate, reflect, and plan for further learning using principles, goals and strands of our National early childhood curriculum, Te whariki.

We believe in inclusive education, that all children have the right to attend and early childhood centre. We believe in providing equitable opportunities for learning.

We value, respect and appreciate the cultural diversity within our centre community by nurturing individuals, their families and their culture. The children, staff and parents/whanau are exposed to different cultures and learn about different people, their customs, values and way of life